Sunday, October 14, 2012

Oh Yeah... It's D-Day!

Another year farther away from the day we were told that Lucy had SMA.  And where are we now?  Lucy is in school (at home, we're not that brave yet ;)), she is rapidly outgrowing her 4T clothes (giantess, much?), and life continues on in our normal.  No illnesses to speak of, though there has been a little more loss of movement.

 I sew Lucy pajamas, and what does she do?  Try to outgrown them immediately.

Almost forgot about it this year!  I was thinking about it beforehand, but today I didn't remember until halfway through, then kept forgetting.  I'll take that as a good sign :)  Lucy is three.  What's up now, Dr. Montgomery?

She's also very good about smiling for pictures now!  Diva.

Unfortunately, there are still scores of kiddos diagnosed with SMA that don't make it this far.  It's not fair.  Please keep their families in your prayers, and help us fight back against this cruel disease.  Check out the"How You Can Help" tab above for ways to make a difference.